Turn WhatsApp voicemail messages into text.Click the magnifying glass icon located in the right part of the window BlueStacks and write whatsapp in the search box.It is a Android emulator which allows you to use all App Android, sul pc on which Windows or Mac is installed.ĭownload BlueStacks App Player per Windows *Note: this version of Whatsapp is currently only available for Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerry smartphones, but not yet for iPhoneĪnother method to use WhatsApp on PC is to turn to BlueStacks Player. Now you are ready to use whatsapp on your pc with WhatsApp Web. This operation will not be repeated if to the right of the QR Code you have left the checkbox on "Keep me signed in" or "stay connected". With your smartphone, now frame the QR code present on your computer monitor and once recognized, Whatsapp Web will appear on your PC. Click on the item Web WhatsApp, just like in the image below.Click on the Whatsapp menu button consisting of three dots, which you find at the top right.To scan the QR code, which would be the black and white square you see above, follow these steps: Now go to the WhatsApp Web website where we are going to scan the QR code with our smartphone, the site will look like this: The latest version is this you see below, version 2.11.498 *, which will allow you to use Whatsapp on your pc: To use Whatsapp on your pc with whatsappweb, first we download the latest version of the Whatsapp application from the Google Play Store on our smartphone, for those who already have it Whatsapp installed, all you have to do is go to the Play Store and check for application updates. If you do not have Google Chrome go here to download it: Download Google Chrome browser The recently introduced one is not a real program to be installed on the PC, but a web application that for now only works through the browser Chrome di Google.

So you can chat comfortably seated from your desk with the PC keyboard. WhatsApp has created a version that can also be used on computers " Web WhatsApp" With these 2 free methods you will have the possibility to use the most popular messaging system of the moment directly on your PC.